Why_Ada.pdf-- BruceBarkstrom - 18 Apr 2009

This portion of the material contains four major parts:
1. Documentation in the form of two pdf files for an Ada implementation
of the procedure Revise in Shoham and Leyton-Brown's text
"Multiagent System". The first file explains a bit about Ada
and how to obtain a free GPL version of an Ada development
environment and a free UML tool, BOUML. The second file
documents the Ada code.
2. A BOUML project and its UML web site for the design of
the Ada code.
3. The Ada code for a multi-threaded implementation of the
Revise procedure, using Ada tasks. The code also includes
four text files that can be used as input to the program after
it's been compiled and linked. These text files implement the
four test cases on p. 5 of Shoham and Leyton-Brown's text
in figure 1.4. The output from the program for each of these
input files is also included. In addition, a compiled and linked
executable of the program for a Windows NT system is also included.
4. A copy of the GNU General Public License for the code and the

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Unknown file formatads Common_Defs.ads r1 manage 2.5 K 2009-04-18 - 02:21 BruceBarkstrom Utilities for working with Bounded Strings and Mathematical Functions included in the Ada language libraries
Unknown file format7z Final_Package.7z r1 manage 720.8 K 2009-04-18 - 02:27 BruceBarkstrom 7Zip file with entire package
PDFpdf GNU_Documentation_License.pdf r1 manage 53.0 K 2009-04-18 - 02:13 BruceBarkstrom GNU GPL for documentation
Unknown file formatadb Game01.adb r1 manage 3.9 K 2009-04-18 - 02:15 BruceBarkstrom Main Program for the Ada Instantiation of the Revise Algorithm
PDFpdf Game01.pdf r1 manage 215.3 K 2009-04-18 - 02:12 BruceBarkstrom This pdf file provides documentation on the design of the Ada program that implements the Revise procedure in the main book text.
Texttxt Game01_Input.txt r1 manage 0.2 K 2009-04-18 - 02:24 BruceBarkstrom Basic Input text file
Texttxt Game01_Input_b.txt r1 manage 0.2 K 2009-04-18 - 02:25 BruceBarkstrom Input text file for Fig. 1.4 b of Multiagent Systems text [p. 5]
Texttxt Game01_Input_c.txt r1 manage 0.2 K 2009-04-18 - 02:25 BruceBarkstrom Input text file for Fig. 1.4 c of Multiagent Systems text [p. 5]
Texttxt Game01_Input_d.txt r1 manage 0.2 K 2009-04-18 - 02:26 BruceBarkstrom Input text file for Fig. 1.4 d of Multiagent Systems text [p. 5]
Unknown file formatadb Player_Package.adb r1 manage 13.2 K 2009-04-18 - 02:16 BruceBarkstrom Body of the Player package
Unknown file formatads Player_Package.ads r1 manage 3.1 K 2009-04-18 - 02:17 BruceBarkstrom Specification of the Player package
Unknown file formatadb Referee_Package.adb r1 manage 14.4 K 2009-04-18 - 02:17 BruceBarkstrom Body of the Referee Package
Unknown file formatads Referee_Package.ads r1 manage 2.2 K 2009-04-18 - 02:18 BruceBarkstrom Specification of the Referee Package
Unknown file formatadb Scorekeeper_Package.adb r1 manage 14.4 K 2009-04-18 - 02:18 BruceBarkstrom Body of the Scorekeeper Package
Unknown file formatads Scorekeeper_Package.ads r1 manage 2.5 K 2009-04-18 - 02:19 BruceBarkstrom Specification of the Scorekeeper Package
Unknown file formatmht The_GNU_General_Public_License_-_GNU_Project_-_Free_Software_Foundation_FSF.mht r1 manage 84.1 K 2009-04-18 - 02:13 BruceBarkstrom GNU GPL software license
Texttxt Using_the_game01.exe_program.txt r1 manage 1.4 K 2009-04-18 - 02:19 BruceBarkstrom Readme text file with instructions on using the game01.exe program [Windows NT only]
PDFpdf Why_Ada.pdf r1 manage 60.9 K 2009-04-18 - 02:06 BruceBarkstrom  
Microsoft Executable fileexe game01.exe r1 manage 2038.1 K 2009-04-18 - 02:23 BruceBarkstrom Executable version of the program [Windows NT ONLY]
Unknown file formatgpr game01.gpr r1 manage 0.4 K 2009-04-18 - 02:14 BruceBarkstrom GPL GNAT Ada Project File
Topic revision: r1 - 2009-04-18 - BruceBarkstrom
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