Content: "The only way in which the declaration vi
influences the maximization above
is through the term v_i(x (\hat{v}))." This isn't quite true, is it? \hat{v}_i influences the result of x(\hat{v}) and thus also the term \sum_{j \neq i} x(\hat{v}). Nonetheless i has to set v_i = \hat{v}_i to obtain a maximizer for its best response.
Page number:
Section number:10.6.4
Date: 7/27/2010
Name: Kevin
Content: Remove "kidney exchanges" from the list in the first paragraph of 10.6.4. Kidney exchange apparently isn't quite a two-sided matching problem; see, e.g., footnote 11 of Roth, Sönmezc, Ünverd, "Pairwise kidney exchange", J. Econ Theory, 125 (2005) 151 188.
Page number: 318
section number: 10.6.4
date: 16/12/2015
Name: Sasha Rubin
Content: The proof of non-blocking in Theorem 10.6.11 does not deal with the case that \mu(s) = \emptyset. Thus, replace "he must have applied to her before having applied to his match" by "he must have applied to her".
Page number: 266
Section number:
Name: Yoav
Content: remove the word "strategy" in Figure 10.2(b)
The following errors are fixed in the second printing of the book and online PDF v1.1
Page number: 262
Section number: 10.1.2
Content:next to last line: "How can use you ..." s/b "How can you use..."